During our visit to Sweden, we visited the editorial office of the newspaper 8 Sidor. During the visit, we deepened our knowledge of creating news in easy-to-read language and learned more about ways to publish news in an easily understandable format. The goal of gaining experience in preparing easy-to-read news was achieved.
We shared our experiences in this article: https://www.laikmetis.lt/100169-2/ and on Facebook pages: our association’s page https://www.facebook.com/savarankiskasgyvenimas/posts/pfbid02PjScVrhcr5RFABTgFrmB4QLogoxSVKxcRVpBKmr4iLAUxhkhn8BwMXGfuwsgXBfSl and that of our colleagues, who value the texts we prepare: https://www.facebook.com/kauno.arka/posts/pfbid02uNdMB26hQ2rU38JLoL5gJ7MrMyhk2q5CBT9J3wKkHPnGDuK8KLAFuLP139R4phArl.
As planned, 4 individuals participated in this visit to Sweden as part of the prepared project:
- a developer of easy-to-read texts,
- an evaluator of easy-to-read texts,
- and two personal assistants.
Services were procured from the Public Institution for Law and Tolerance Institute. Travel, accommodation, and transportation expenses were covered.
Per diems were covered as part of our contribution. Bank statements and the invoice are attached.
Upon returning to Lithuania, two articles were prepared based on the experience gained in Sweden:
- https://skaityklengvai.lt/pasaulis/lengvai-suprantama-kalba-svedijoje/;
- https://skaityklengvai.lt/lietuva/negalios-reforma-sistemos-centre-yra-zmogus/.
These articles were published on a website that provides news in easy-to-read language.
It was agreed to communicate remotely at any time later if needed.